2018 Festival

Beulah Music Festival 2018

Friday October 5th – Sunday October 7th

Friday: 7:30pm in Beulah Reading Room
Celebrating 70 years of the NHS and ….
Join Beulah Musicians, Singers and Friends in a singalong to ‘Thank them for the Music!’

Saturday: 7:30pm
The Mervyn Bourdillon Memorial Concert – Eglwys Oen Duw
featuring instrumental group – Eira/Snow
and Festival Gift recipient: Elin Bolland, pianist
Cox String Trio
Sunday: 9:30am at Eglwys Oen Duw
Festival Service
Sunday: Garth Village Hall – Children’s Day
All day workshop for young singers
A musical based on Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhyme – Cinderella
Workshop for young singers from 11:15a.m.: Performance at 4 pm