Romany Wood

Find out about Romany Wood.

Details for participants:

It takes place at Garth Community Hall, 11 October 2014.

Please arrive by 9.45 for a 10.00am start.

The performance is at 4.00pm and everyone is welcome.

It will finish at approximately 4.35pm.

Admission (£10*) includes:

  • light refreshments in the morning and afternoon (please bring a packed lunch)

  • concert tickets for all friends and family

  • a donation to the charity

* Admission to workshop is £10 per child with bursary help available on request and a generous discounts for siblings.

We look forward to seeing you on 11th!


The words are available to download on the Resources page.

July 4

We are pleased to report that we have about ten instrumentalists from Llanelwedd, Irfon Valley and Builth Primaries and Ivor has already started work with them. None, so far, from Ysgol Dolafon but we can consider latecomers.

We have singers from all four schools and are preparing practice CDs for them to take home for the holiday. We have room for more …